Items that need to be bought: - 500k construction pack $10 - 1m construction pack $50 (optional) - imperial investment every week - elite package - basic specialisation every week STEP 1 Reset your specialisation points to 24 blue down to unlock fortresses. THIS MUST BE RESET 1 WEEK BEFORE ROC. so now is a good option just in case roc starts early. STEP 2 (can be skipped) Reset your points to green left, if you have bought the 500k or/and 1m construction packs you want your specialisation points on green left. Upgrade your workshops to lvl 8 or 11 with the packs bought and don't forget to use civil engineering skill from green left tree and a 100% honor boost card. STEP 3 Now that you've upgraded workshops you want to reset your specs again. This reset depends on your spec points. Go as far as you can to BLUE RIGHT. The threshold are 14/25/36/47. If you have 42 specs for example. Put 36 blue right and u put any extra points on GREEN UP left route. The bonus coalition mat